Changes to First Aid training during the COVID-19 pandemic
For the foreseeable future how First Aid training courses are run has changed, this is a summary of those changes, this is to keep everyone safe on courses and help stop the spread of this virus:
Before the course:
You will be emailed the following form, you will need to fill this in and return it within 24 hours of the start of the course.
When you arrive:
– You will need to confirm you are still asymptomatic and you will have your temperature taken with a non contact thermometer. If you do have any symptoms or a temperature, you will not be allowed to attend the course.
– You will be given your PPE for the course.
During the course:
– During the CPR session, month to mouth resuscitation training with the training manakin is now optional. We (and the HSE) are happy for you to do hands only CPR.
– In the past on First Aid courses we have used students to do demonstrations on and then students have practiced various first aid techniques on each other, this can no longer happen with social distancing.
– We will be having a reduced number of candidates attending.
– Social distancing will be strictly adhered to.
– Face masks or shields must be worn whilst inside the building.
– You will have your own sealed box of First Aid training equipment, this is not to be shared by anyone (the contents will have been cleaned at least three days before the course and then sealed)
– Each candidate will have his or her own CPR manikin – no sharing.
– There will be a facility for you to make a hot drink, however you will need to bring your own mug and you will need to sanitise your hands before and after touching the kettle etc.
- There will be a small amount of practical homework needed by each student which will be needed to be done with a member of your household or bubble, it really will only take 15-20 miniutes.
- You will need to fill in an online feedback form.
- Certificates can be downloaded you printed yourself.
- If you develop any COVID-19 symptoms within 14 days of attending the course, you must let us know so we can tell others who attended the course (track and trace).
Specific information regarding courses running during the firebreak lockdown in Wales which started on October 23rd
Q1 – Can the First Aid course be run during lockdown?
A1 – Yes, as I am a specialist education professional and I can still work running REC First Aid courses as they are specialist courses for outdoor professionals or others who need First Aid for their work. Click here to see the website. Scroll down to the heading Education and childcare workers, fourth bullet point down ‘specialist education professional’. As a REC first aid trainer I am a specialist educational professional and come under the ‘critical worker’ category and can therefore work. Or see the first image at the bottom of this page, this is only a screen grab of the relevant section.
Q2 – Can you attend a first aid course?
A2 – Yes, if you need a valid first aid certificate for you to be able to work, then you can attend. The HSE (REC have done the same as the HSE) have extended the expiry date of certificates providing providing (this is off the HSE website):
‘they (you) have made every effort to arrange requalification training as soon as possible and can explain in detail why they (you) have not been able to do so. For example, they (you) must show evidence that staff with expired certificates are booked on to EFAW or FAW requalification courses, if requested by an inspector’
If you are reading this then you have been able to find me as a provider and can therefore attend a course so an extension to your expiry date is not possible. Click here to go to the HSE website and scroll down to ‘First Aid certificate extensions’ to read more. Or see the second image at the bottom of this page, this is only a screen grab of the relevant section.
Q3 – Can I travel to attend a first aid course?
A3 – Yes, this is what it says on the website ‘Travel is limited to essential travel only, for example, for caring responsibilities or for work purposes where people cannot work from home.’ Your first aid course is for work purposes and therefore you can travel. Click here to go the website and scroll down to ‘Traveling and Transport’. Or see the third image at the bottom of this page.
I hope you find this useful and although it might look like I am trying to find loopholes, I am not, I am just delivering specialist first aid training as I am allowed and you are just wanting to attend, as you are allowed to. I hope to see you on a COVID safe first aid course soon. Jonathan