Choosing the correct First Aid course for you   

We run the following courses:  

First Aid courses for business

If you are looking to book a First Aid course for your business and you’re not sure which course to book, have a look at the chart below and select which First Aid personnel you need from column 3, they then need to book onto that course, so just use the drop down menu at the top ‘Courses & Booking’ to choose a course date. Please take a moment to look at the whole chart and if you have any questions, get in touch or click here to be redirected to the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.

First Aid courses for Outdoor Instructors

The REC 2 day Emergency First Aid for the Outdoors is the course you will need (click here for dates and to book on). this course is approved and recognised by MBLA (was SMBLA) for TCL & MBL, MLTB (ML summer and winter), UKMBLA, RYA, BASI, ASSI, BCU, BOF, CTC, MIAS, British Cycling, Welsh Cycling, Scottish Cycling and most other NGB’s (National Governing Bodies).

For British Cycling (sponsored by HSBC) Breeze Champions (women’s only ride instructors), the minimum recommended course is the REC 1 day Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW). Click here for dates and to book on

Below is what is covered on each course, as you can see, each day builds on the previous days learning.

Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) 6 hour course Emergency First Aid at Work +F for Forestry Workers (EFAW+F) 8 hour course REC Outdoor First Aid, 2 days First Aid at Work (3 day) & First Aid at Work Requalification (2 Day)
Principles of first aid ← Everything which is in the EFAW course plus the below ← Everything which is in the EFAW course plus the below ← Everything which is in the EFAW & REC Outdoor 2 Day course plus the below
Roll of a first aider Head injuries Head injuries COSHH
Preventing cross infection Lyme disease Stroke Safety Data Sheets
Communication, help & evacuation Crush injuries Diabetes Substances and mixture regulations
Vital signs Ticks Anaphylactic shock Contents of a first aid kit
Emergency action & safety Chest injuries
Airway problems, how to recognise them and manage it Stomach/Abdomen injuries
Safe airway position & casualty care Environmental injuries: Hypothermia, frost nip & Frost bite, hyperthermia
CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) & how to use an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) Limb injuries: Bones fractures, muscle & soft tissue damage and Joint problems
How deal with choking Head to toe checks
Chest pain, heart attack, collapsing & heart stoppage Pelvic damage
Bleeding, cuts, grazes & bleeds, treating bleeding from open wounds Spinal injuries
Shock, recognition and treatment Moving casualties
Dealing with an unconscious casualty, including seizures Triage
Burns & scalds
Recording incidents & accidents (accident book)
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